Amity Landing Restaurant Review


Amity Landing Restaurant is located near the exit to the JAWS boat ride in Universal Studios Japan, in the Amity Village section of the park. This area is similar to the extinct ‘Amity’ section of Universal Studios Florida, albeit on a larger scale and with the Osaka park having things–like this restaurant and 2 other snack shops–that weren’t found in the Orlando version of the land (which has since been replaced by the Wizarding World of Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley; although JAWS is a great attraction, that’s not a bad trade!).

This restaurant basically just serves fried chicken, so this isn’t a review so much as it is a quick ‘hey, check out this cool place’ photo tour given that I know a lot of Universal Studios Florida fans loved and miss the JAWS attraction and might find this restaurant amusing. The whole Amity area in Osaka is cool, but this is the highlight, I think.

Given how few English-speaking guests visit Universal Studios Japan, this would be a super-targeted post if it were aimed solely at those looking for restaurant reviews from the park. Although if you fall into that niche and stumbled upon this post will researching for your visit, I hope the content here helps–it’s a fun park!

Let’s take a look inside Amity Landing Restaurant…


First, I guess we’ll start with the food. Fried chicken is the star here (there might also be a chicken sandwich, I don’t recall), and it’s pretty good. Just as important, your food is served to you in a cool Jaws box. I would have loved to save this because I like to save weird ephemera like this, but it was all greasy.


Close up on the fried chicken texture. The fries were halfway decent, too. All in all, I’d recommend it.


Like any good snack in Japan, this cake was cute and delicious. Almost had a soda-pop taste to it. Definitely not for those who are not connoisseurs of frosting.


Amity Landing Restaurant reproduces the shipyard from the film (per the Universal Studios Japan website), and has a ton of little details and an intimate ambiance as a result.


I wish I could have spent more time focusing on the subtleties of this location, because it was really well put together. Much like the JAWS queue (which I spent 2 hours “enjoying” before my first ride-through), the designers added a wealth of details to give it a sense of place.


The ordering area had a more industrial feel befitting of the shipyard…


While the seating area had a coziness about it that felt like a small town eatery you might find in Massachusetts, or elsewhere up the coast towards Maine.


Between this and the American Waterfront section of Tokyo DisneySea, the level of painstaking detail to get these American locations correct surprises me. As with DisneySea, I’m sure this was designed by Americans, but still, it’s great to see this much effort put into making things true to life.


Although they are readily distinguishable to avid theme park fans, the overall tone of Amity Landing Restaurant reminds me a lot of Columbia Harbour House in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.


Now, unless you’re a serious JAWS fan, you probably shouldn’t book a trip halfway around the globe to experience the attraction one more time and have a taste of the fried chicken at Amity Landing Restaurant, but if you’re already going to be visiting Japan, Osaka is a nice city, and Universal Studios Japan is a great park, with a lot of sentimental favorites and unique new attractions. Hope you enjoyed the photo tour of Amity Landing Restaurant!

Your Thoughts

What do you think of Amity Landing Restaurant? Would you like to head to Amity Village one more time? Does Universal Studios Japan interest you? Would you like to see more posts on it or a comprehensive guide to this park? Please share your thoughts in the comments!

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2 replies
  1. Sara
    Sara says:

    I am that one English person who stumbled upon this post while researching what the restaurants in USJ were like, so just wanted to say, yes the content did help, thank you!


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  1. […] references to our favorite movies? We haven’t been this excited since finding out about that Jaws themed restaurant at Universal Studios Japan. Today we are going to look at our six favorite references, and the film […]

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